8-10 APRIL 2025 | Fira Barcelona - Gran Vía

Comprehensive digitalization of productive processes by applying artificial intelligence together with the MOM system. Turbot Challenge

Tue 18 Apr | 16:00 - 16:30

This session will present the success case ‘Stolt Turbot Challenge’, implemented in STOLT SEA FARM together with Geprom and Telefónica Tech. Stolt is the leading company in turbot and sole aquaculture, where integrated MES system, WMS and APS together with machine learning algorithms developed for the prediction of demand and supply, the optimization of the company’s operating margin is achieved thanks to the decision making in the production process based on data and analytical models applied.

Jorge Juan Alfonso

Jorge Juan Alfonso

Food Operations Manager


Dario Cesena

Dario Cesena

Head of Business Unit

Telefónica Tech

Ignasi Pérez Arnal

Ignasi Pérez Arnal

Congress Director at REBUILD-CEO BIM Academy

BIM Academny