8-10 APRIL 2025 | Fira Barcelona - Gran Vía

Cybersecurity promotion: public-private collaboration

Wed 19 Apr | 15:50 - 16:30

The dread in the face of a sudden blockade of plant activities generates untimely reactions, when not impulsive or precipitated. Feeling surrounded by an academic, administrative network with responses to vulnerability is of extreme importance, especially for industrial SME. In this session we will identify partners of schools, universities, and public administrations that complement the offer of private partners.

Iratxe Martín

Iratxe Martín

Head of Innovation Projects and Technology

Basque Cybersecurity Center

Ibai Peña Arratibel

Ibai Peña Arratibel

Cybersecurity Researcher


Albert Álvarez Fontanet

Albert Álvarez Fontanet

Information Security Deputy Chief

Mossos d'Esquadra Law Enforcement Agency

Edorta Echave Garcia

Edorta Echave Garcia

ICS Security Architect
