8-10 APRIL 2025 | Fira Barcelona - Gran Vía

Industrial Experience F&B: Automation and digitalization of industrial processes in fully integrated plants to increase competitiveness

Tue 18 Apr | 11:35 - 12:00

Garcia Carrión will share the example of digitisation of its processing/packaging/logistics plant …. and how the concept of automation and digitisation are essential elements for operational excellence in a transformation and collaboration path of more than 20 years. We will be joined by its Plant Manager in Huelva and its technology partner E80.

Pier Francesco Fefè

Pier Francesco Fefè

Sales Area Manager Iberia

E80 Group

Antonio Moreno

Antonio Moreno

Plan Manager

J. Garcia Carrión

Ángel Lozano

Ángel Lozano

Senior Consultant

Galoan Plastics Consulting